Saturday, July 7

answer the call (SOS)


Monday, July 2

i was supposed to have called AMP earlier during the day... however i delayed and by the time i call brother Z up, he was already out of his chair... the lady who picked up the call did advise me to call him up the tomorrow before 12pm..

throughout the day i was troubled by the issue of sports fiesta.. i was basically torn about by a couple of people who expected me to be in their team.. my MLS friends.. my EP peeps.. my classmate.. n my gems friends.. well... i turned down my MLS friends... stating tat they formed the team and informed me too late.. my gems friends was rather not keen.. so... it was just left with my classmate and EP peeps..

i felt like i've betrayed my classmate.. he really did expect of me to be in his team.. from wat i gathered.. and for wat i know of his nature... he has already 'claimed' his team and spread the word around.. i guess he'll freak out upon knowing dat i've already signed up wth another team...

the store at blok 711 is somehow a bore to me now.... and dat i would prefer not to be werking der animore... as so... i can concentrate on much more important stuffs dat i can do... a feeling of reluctance always gets over me whenever i hav to werk.... my schedule for this week: (thurs, fri, sat) 7pm to 11pm and (sun) 3pm to 11pm....

Sunday, July 1

best wishes to my bro on his bdae...

Saturday, June 30

today's an occasion of my bro's.. happy birthday...

the plan for today is dat the whole family will be going to tampines to donate blood together... somehow this culture of ours is still being practised thou our parents hav gone their separate ways... i remembered having myself donating blood on my birthday... well... in any way, i hope dat this practise will carry on the hierachy of my family roots... it actually just gives me the sense of familyness...

its something different thou dat my family celebrates birthdays donating blood.. heh

so.... awaiting for my sis to come back from camp.. my bro in the toilet bathing and my mum's ironing her clothes... it'll be just a matter of tyme and we'll be off to meet dad at hougang before going to tampines....

after the family outing, i'll be joing my bro and his friends to a dinner together... at orchard....

Thursday, June 28

OOP test is just minutes away and im still holding on to these parchment papers of notes.. my classmates are not around as so i assume they'll be here like near 3.30pm...

well.... i hope i wun flung on this test.... after today.. it'll be left with SERVO tomorrow...

ouh yar... i've booked for my next practicl lesson on tues next week, 5.55pm... and im hoping for an earlier date thou... so... will be visiting ssdcl website to check out any try sell slots.....

Wednesday, June 27

i am drenched with my perspiration.. its been like a week since i've been with my excercising and stuffs like dat... plp may be asking me why am i trying so hard unnecessaryly... but well... i guess im just trying to discipline myself...

the maths yesterday was a killer... and AEF which i took today... darn its a confirm failure... i was just blank.. spent most of the time staring at the paper instead of writing out the answers... upon submission, i gav a final flip-through.. and i found my papers with most of the questions unanswered... gone-case....

i was posed a question about why am i not wanting to smoke.. well... i just simply dun find the need to actually.... some do say dat thru smoking u can gain urself some contacts... but well... there are always other alternative to doing so...

Tuesday, June 26

three more papers to go and i've been slogging myself out since the last few days.. last minute study dun really work out for me dat well.. its about midnight and im thinking of whether i should be starting with my AEF later of should i be working on it tomorrow..

MCT was the one module i put in much effort into.. thou the paper was quite ok, it does worry me quite much.. cause 'quite' dat i use puts me to a position to thinking: the rest of the modules may be harder since MCT which i put in effort to is merely just ok...
i found myself wth two of my cousins after the MCT.. the cousins from my dad's side.. they are considered to be my closest cousins.. however we're not dat close.. both are tied up with their own lives.. its like of a rare occasion dat we actually meet up...

my dad's sick and im an unfillial son.. well he's not giving me a chance to.. eveytime im wth him, i get myself discouraged.. and ironically.. knowing dat im not doing anything about it gets me discouraged also...

tues evening.... its just the hustle from foodcourt 3 i heard.. my bro in front of me and we were slowly having our fill... between us its just our silent moments... we've been thru hardships since our parents got devorced.. but i know dat the person in my eyes had suffered more den me.. however... i foresee myself to be facing a greater hardship den wat my bro has gone thru... and im more unprepared as compared to him.. i have failed many attempts.. some are not even attempts.. i didnt seize much opportunity den.. and realization now is just too late...

Monday, June 25

in a few minutes time, i should be on my way to school.. test starts at 1330hrs at T1553.. time-check.. im still early.. i have a choice of whether i am to be at school early.. or should i come just merely on the dot.. in consideration too is how am i to go there... should it be by bus..? or by the train..? the type of transportation i take can be a time factor itself.. well... hmm....

the books and notes are all compiled.. it just lay there on the table beside me.. at least i know i've gone to revise them like since 0730 in the morning... the level of confidence of passing this test is quite like higher than dat of yesterday's.... but however i still do feel insecure.... there's something in it i feel dat i hav yet to cover.... thou i've browse it n couldnt find any...

well.... wishing the best of luck to myself.. n im hoping also for my bro to be back home carrying with him news of his pass for practical 1.. but well i guess i'll be already off to sch by the time he gets back later...