Tuesday, June 26

three more papers to go and i've been slogging myself out since the last few days.. last minute study dun really work out for me dat well.. its about midnight and im thinking of whether i should be starting with my AEF later of should i be working on it tomorrow..

MCT was the one module i put in much effort into.. thou the paper was quite ok, it does worry me quite much.. cause 'quite' dat i use puts me to a position to thinking: the rest of the modules may be harder since MCT which i put in effort to is merely just ok...
i found myself wth two of my cousins after the MCT.. the cousins from my dad's side.. they are considered to be my closest cousins.. however we're not dat close.. both are tied up with their own lives.. its like of a rare occasion dat we actually meet up...

my dad's sick and im an unfillial son.. well he's not giving me a chance to.. eveytime im wth him, i get myself discouraged.. and ironically.. knowing dat im not doing anything about it gets me discouraged also...

tues evening.... its just the hustle from foodcourt 3 i heard.. my bro in front of me and we were slowly having our fill... between us its just our silent moments... we've been thru hardships since our parents got devorced.. but i know dat the person in my eyes had suffered more den me.. however... i foresee myself to be facing a greater hardship den wat my bro has gone thru... and im more unprepared as compared to him.. i have failed many attempts.. some are not even attempts.. i didnt seize much opportunity den.. and realization now is just too late...

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