Saturday, June 30

today's an occasion of my bro's.. happy birthday...

the plan for today is dat the whole family will be going to tampines to donate blood together... somehow this culture of ours is still being practised thou our parents hav gone their separate ways... i remembered having myself donating blood on my birthday... well... in any way, i hope dat this practise will carry on the hierachy of my family roots... it actually just gives me the sense of familyness...

its something different thou dat my family celebrates birthdays donating blood.. heh

so.... awaiting for my sis to come back from camp.. my bro in the toilet bathing and my mum's ironing her clothes... it'll be just a matter of tyme and we'll be off to meet dad at hougang before going to tampines....

after the family outing, i'll be joing my bro and his friends to a dinner together... at orchard....

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